Archived Version: August 2, 2016

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CK Powers


Kittitas County Superior Court

Position 1

CK PowersLegal/Judicial Experience: Admitted to Practice Law in the State of Washington and the U.S. Court of Appeals – 9th Circuit and Federal District Court in both the Eastern and Western Division. Served as Judge Pro Tem in Lower District Court in Kittitas County.

Other Professional Experience: Ms. Powers and her husband own a small farm in Kittitas County, which includes grass hay, asparagus and cherry production.

Education: Two BA’s from Eastern Washington State College and a Juris Doctorate from Gonzaga School of Law.

Community Service: Rotary, United Way and various service organizations and events. Drug Court Panel, Kittitas County Superior Court.

Statement: CK Powers is honored to run for Kittitas County Superior Court Judge. She has a solid background in law and business.

Over 40 years experience as a practicing attorney in Washington State gives her the necessary knowledge and skill she will need to apply the law and make decisions as judge. Her experience includes property rights, criminal law, juvenile court, domestic relations, landlord-tenant, water rights, and numerous other areas of the law. She appears regularly in Kittitas, Grant and Yakima County Superior Courts. Knowing the law is important as a superior court judge. Additionally, knowledge of case law and practical experience is essential.

Ms. Powers understands how the Court’s decisions affect people’s lives and that each person deserves an unbiased judge to hear their case and make a decision. As your next Superior Court Judge, her philosophy is that every person and entity has the right to be heard and have their matter carefully and judicially considered. Her pledge is to bring hard work, knowledge, compassion and fairness to the bench and to uphold the laws of the State of Washington.

CK Powers is the best candidate for Superior Court Judge considering her education and experience.

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Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Chris Herion, Candace Hooper
Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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