Archived Version: August 2, 2016

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Candace Hooper


Kittitas County Superior Court

Position 1

Candace HooperLegal/Judicial Experience: 29+ years in Kittitas County Prosecutor's Office, 25 as Chief Criminal Deputy; Intern in King County Prosecutor's Office

Other Professional Experience: Member of Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Best Practices Committee; Legal trainer to multiple law enforcement agencies; Guest lecturer at university classes; Provider of regional and state prosecutor trainings

Education: A.B. Harvard University with honors; J.D. University of Washington Law School

Community Service: Founding member Kittitas County Drug Court; Prior Chair Kittitas County Volunteer Legal Services Board; Featured speaker Washington Girls' State; Former vice-president and secretary of Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Board; Former newsletter editor for Habitat for Humanity

Statement: The Superior Court Judge position requires a person of integrity and fundamental fairness, who loves the study of law, and who has the requisite ability to use basic logic and common sense to apply the law to the facts of people's cases.

I have a commitment to the rule of law and to making that law work in our society. Over the course of nearly 30 years, I have gained that sense of proportionality and justice, treating all with respect, which will serve the community in such a critical role.

I have handled both criminal and civil matters in Superior Court, personally trying hundreds of fact-finding and criminal cases before different judges, as well as arguing countless motions and appeals. My experience with felony prosecutions, juvenile cases, dependency and child abuse cases, misdemeanors, paternity, and child support matters have given me a solid basis in law. I love what I do, but believe I have even more to contribute to the citizens of our County and State.

With hard work and an eagerness for learning, I pledge myself to serve the people of Kittitas County with integrity and diligence through the future's inevitable and upcoming challenges.

Web Site: | Faceboook  
Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Candace Hooper, CK Powers

Media stories:

    July 14, 2016
Daily Record   Candidate Q&As: Three face off in judge race
    May 21, 2016
Daily Record   Three attorneys running for judge ...

Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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