Archived Version: August 2, 2016

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Dave Turplesmith


Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Stevens Counties Superior Court

Position 2

Dave TurplesmithLegal/Judicial Experience: Stevens County Superior Court Commissioner, 2014 to present, Stevens County District Court Judge, pro tem, Administrative Law Judge, 2009 to present, Stevens County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, 2006 to 2009, Washington State Assistant Attorney General, 2002 to 2006

Other Professional Experience: Member of the Superior Court Judges Association, Rural Courts Committee and Judicial Ethics Committee; graduated Washington State Judicial College, 2015, Member of the Dependency Early Resolution Workgroup

Education: Law Degree, Gonzaga University School of Law, Cum Laude, 2002, Gonzaga Thomas More Scholar; Bachelors Degree Political Science/History, University of Washington, 1999

Community Service: Habitat for Humanity Volunteer; Lake Spokane NW Little League Coach; YMCA Basketball Coach

Statement: I have spent the last 14 years protecting children and the elderly from predators. The retiring Superior Court Judge said I am the best candidate to replace him. I’m fair, honest, independent and hard working. I will work for you to make courts cost effective and respectful of Constitutional and Second Amendment rights.

I was born in Okinawa at Kadena Air Base. My father and grandfather served in the military. It was my dream to also serve, but at the age of 11 I developed juvenile diabetes and found another way to serve my country as a prosecutor and judicial officer.

I have lived in Stevens County for 12 years with my wife, son and daughter. My son attends Lake Spokane Elementary School. I am active in the community and enjoy coaching little league.

I have prosecuted violent criminals, such as murderers and child abusers. I uphold the law, fight to protect people’s rights, hold criminals accountable and keep our communities safe. I’m endorsed by Judges Gina Tveit and Al Nielson, who say I am the best candidate for Superior Court Judge. I am endorsed by police, firefighters, veterans and small business owners. I humbly ask for your vote.

Web Site: | Facebook  
Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Jessica (Taylor) Reeves, Terry Williams, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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