Archived Version: August 2, 2016

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Kevin McCabe


Snohomish County Superior Court

Position 3

Kevin McCabeLegal/Judicial Experience: 18 years experience as an attorney in trials, hearings, and appeals in Municipal Court, District Court, Superior Court, the Court of Appeals, and the Washington Supreme Court.

Other Professional Experience: Worked at Magnolia Hi Fi when it was a nationally recognized, family owned, local retailer.

Education: Graduated from the University of Washington. Graduated with high honors from the Seattle University School of Law.

Community Service: Volunteered to help with youth soccer in Mukilteo, provided free legal services for free speech, mentored young lawyers and law students, assisted in independent food drive by University of Washington students and direct distribution to the homeless.

Statement: For a future you can believe in, change must come at all levels. Nowhere is this more true than in our courts. Judges have watched while prosecutors warehoused half a generation of African American males for minor drug crimes. Similarly, they permitted prosecutors to establish a virtual pipeline to deportation for Latinos.

Of the fifteen judges in Superior Court, thirteen are former prosecutors. Only two have served in public defense. In this race, a prosecuting attorney who served thirty-eight years as a judge withdrew and endorsed a new prosecutor to carry on the dynasty. This is how inequality becomes law.

I have fought against this for eighteen years. I have worked on international human rights suits, framed a constitutional right guaranteeing the privacy of your bank records, and defended your right to speak freely.

Mostly, though, I have defended the poor. Sometimes, I stood by them against terrible allegations. But, in thousands of cases, I have defended them from the type of minor charges that destroy lives and families. I don't ask for the endorsement of the police, prosecutors, or corporations. Instead, I humbly ask that you vote for change to create a just future.

Web Site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Cindy Larsen, S. Richard Peterson, Rico Tessandore

Media stories:

    July 28, 2016
Everett Herald   Retiring incumbent leaves open seat on Superior Court
    May 21, 2016
Everett Herald   Longtime Superior Court judge won't seek re-election

Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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