Archived Version: August 2, 2016

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Cindy Larsen


Snohomish County Superior Court

Position 3

Cindy LarsenLegal/Judicial Experience: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney: 1997-present. Prosecuting crimes in District Court, Juvenile Court, Superior Court, and the Court of Appeals; including, sexual assaults, homicides, robberies and crimes against children; Providing legal advice to County officials; litigating employment cases; working with mental health professionals and the mentally ill to protect the community and ensure the safety of those suffering from mental illness.

1995-1997 Law Clerk to Judge Thomas J. Wynne.

Judge Pro Tem, Monroe Municipal Court.

Other Professional Experience: No information submitted

Education: University of Washington & University of Washington School of Law

Community Service: No information submitted

Statement: Integrity, respect, dedication, hard work -- that is how I have served the people of Snohomish County for the past 20 years, and will continue to represent them if elected as Snohomish County Superior Court Judge.

As a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, I am a leader and mentor among colleagues. I have successfully prosecuted hundreds of cases, including murders and sexual assaults perpetrated against children. I am experienced in both criminal and civil law.

This balance, along with my extensive courtroom experience, uniquely qualifies me to serve as Superior Court Judge. Working tirelessly to keep our communities safe for our children and families will be nothing new to me. I will ensure that all who appear before me are treated fairly and their rights well protected.

I am widely endorsed by those I have worked closely with throughout my career, including: Sheriff Ty Trenary, Prosecutor Mark Roe, Judge Janice Ellis, too many Snohomish County Superior Court Judges, District and Municipal Court Judges to list here, Everett Police Chief Templeman, Arlington Police Officers’ Association, Snohomish County Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys' Association, Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson, Lynnwood Mayor Nicola Smith, and People for Safe and Healthy Communities.

More information and endorsements:

Web Site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Kevin McCabe, S. Richard Peterson, Rico Tessandore

Media stories:

    July 28, 2016
Everett Herald   Retiring incumbent leaves open seat on Superior Court
    May 21, 2016
Everett Herald   Longtime Superior Court judge won't seek re-election

Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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