General Election: November 8, 2016

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Greg Sypolt


Spokane County Superior Court

Position 11

Greg Sypolt

Legal/Judicial Experience: Superior Court Judge, Spokane County, 1997–present; Spokane County Assistant Public Defender, 1979-1997.

Other Professional Experience: Superior Court Judges’ Association Trustee (2007–2010); Superior Courts Judges’ Education Committee Chair (2002–2004); instituted Family Treatment Court (Juvenile Court–2001); Washington State Judicial College Dean, Trustee, and instructor on cultural competency; member of Minority and Justice Commission and Interpreter Commission; chair Access to Justice Board’s Justice Without Barriers Committee; chair Diversity Section Spokane County Bar.

Education: Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, B.A.; Gonzaga University School of Law, Spokane, WA, J.D.

Community Service: Board member: Volunteers of America; Career Path Services; Hispanic Business/Professional Association; Rotary.

Statement: Judge Sypolt was appointed to Superior Court in 1996, after serving as a trial attorney at the Spokane Public Defenders for 17 years. He has presided over hundreds of jury and nonjury trials and proceedings and is currently Chief Criminal Judge.

Judge Sypolt has a passion for the pursuit of justice, treating everyone in court with patience, dignity and respect. A careful listener, he keeps an open mind to all viewpoints in a dispute. He is well respected by attorneys and peers, consistently rating exceptionally well qualified in bar association polls. Judge Sypolt is known for his outstanding judicial temperament, knowledge and experience. He is endorsed by judges locally and throughout the state, including members of the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court.

Judge Sypolt received the Distinguished Judicial Service Award from Gonzaga University in 2012. His commitment to justice and equity for minority persons is a hallmark of his career, having served on the Minority and Justice Commission and the Interpreter Commission of the Supreme Court. Additionally, he created the Diversity Section of the Spokane County Bar Association to promote the retention of minority attorneys locally.

Judge Sypolt respectfully requests your vote.

Web Site: | Facebook  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Tim Fennessy
Candidate ratings:

Joint Asian
Judicial Evaluations Committee
Well Qualified *
Latina/o Bar Association
of Washington
Well Qualified *
The LGBT Bar Association
Well Qualified
Spokane County Bar Association Well Qualified Well Qualified
Washington State
Veterans Bar Association
Well Qualified *
Washington Women Lawyers Well Qualified *

* No rating available (yet).

Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.