General Election: November 8, 2016

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Patrick McBurney


Court of Appeals

Division Three, District Two, Position One

Patrick McBurneyLegal/Judicial Experience: I have been a practicing attorney for 23 years, admitted to practice in: Washington State; and North Dakota. My practice has included: Juvenile Court public defense; public defense for Franklin County; and civil public defense for Benton County. My practice is in the Tri-Cities and emphasizes Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, and Family Law.

Other Professional Experience: U.S. Navy Reserve, 1983 - 1986.

Education: Hanford H.S., Richland, WA, 1984. Seattle Pacific University, BA, 1988. Law Degree University of Idaho, 1992.

Community Service: Richland Rotary. Merit badge counselor - Boy Scouts. Past president - the Republican Club. Chairman Benton County GOP 2007 -2013.

Statement: I decided to run for judge in order to give you a clear choice, and to bring a conservative voice to the court of appeals. Rulings by our courts reveal a Judiciary which is out of touch with the electorate. For example, the State Supreme Court struck down charter schools, which had been created by the people through a voter initiative. Likewise, the Court found the legislature in contempt, which is an action that exceeds its constitutional authority.

The Court of Appeals, currently has five members, two women and three men. What they have in common is that they were all appointed to the court by either by Jay Inslee or Chris Gregiore, liberal Governors. Cultural and Gender Diversity is important, but intellectual diversity is even more important

I am a husband, a father, a Christian, I believe in private property, I believe in judicial restraint, meaning that the law and the constitution should be interpreted in the context of their plain meaning.

To preserve freedom we must fight judicial overreach. If you believe as I do, that we need a conservative voice on the Court of appeals, then I would ask for your vote in this election.

Official web site:  
Opponent: George Fearing
Candidate ratings:

Washington Women Lawyers Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Washington Association of
Prosecuting Attorneys
Well Qualified *

* No rating available (yet).


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Tri-Cities Herald  

Campaign Finance Report, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.