General Election: November 4, 2014

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Rob Lawrence-Berrey


Court of Appeals

Division Three, District Three, PositionTwo

Rob Lawrence-BerreyLegal/Judicial Experience: Court of Appeals Judge (March 2014-present); Yakima County Superior Court Judge (January 2011-February 2014); Yakima County Superior Court Judge, pro-tem (2006-2010); Appellate and trial attorney (1990-2010).

Other Professional Experience: Admitted to Supreme Court of the United States (2010); Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (1995); Washington State Bar Association (1990). Yakima County Bar Association, president (2003-2004).

Education: University of Willamette Law School (J.D. 1989); Whitman College (B.S. 1986).

Community Service: Yakima County Bench-Bar Liaison Committee; Juvenile Court Community Accountability Board; Yakima Volunteer Attorney Services, president; Selah Kiwanis, president; Yakima Rotary, member.

Statement: I have had the privilege and responsibility of being a Yakima County Superior Court judge for four years. During this time, I heard several hundred criminal, divorce, juvenile, and civil cases. This direct experience at the trial court level gave me a unique appreciation of how our judicial system must function. Our system must be efficient, so it can handle the high volume of cases; fair, so that all people have their cases decided properly without bias; firm, so that people are held responsible for their conduct; and sensitive, so that victims of crime and children of divorcing parents are protected. My goal as an appellate judge is to decide each case based upon the facts and an unbiased application of law, without losing sight of the need for our judicial system to be efficient, fair, and -- depending upon the situation -- firm or sensitive. With these values in mind, and with your support, I hope to make a positive difference in the lives of the citizens of our great State.

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