Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Bruce Danielson


Washington Supreme Court

Position 8

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Bruce Danielson

Legal/Judicial Experience: 28 years of Superior Court trial experience; King Co. Superior Court Arbitrator since 1989. Admitted and practice in U.S. Dist. Court Western and Eastern Dist. Of WA; U.S. Bankruptcy Court; Admitted Pro Hac Vice California St. Bar; Court Appointed Arbitrator

Other Professional Experience: Business owner, manager, and work as a laborer prior to law school enhances my insight as to how our State's laws affect property and individual rights.

Education: BA Wichita State University 1979; JD University of Kansas 1984; Rule 9 Attorney Douglas county Legal Aid Clinic KS; WA St. Bar 1984

Community Service: Community volunteer.

Statement: The Washington Supreme Court is often a citizen’s Court of last resort and has the final say on issues of Washington law. The U.S. Constitution and Washington State’s Constitution are the ultimate laws upon which decisions must be made. The Constitution should not be a living, breathing document that changes with the whims of the Court in response to politics or popular demand. The Constitution is the bedrock when deciding cases. Judges should be elected without influence from a political party or special interest group. Voters should not settle for a judge who has been appointed by the most partisan office of the State. Nor should a judicial candidate be allowed to purchase an election through contributions from special interest groups and/or attorneys whose cases could be the subject of that Judge’s rulings. As a Supreme Court justice, I will insure fundamental constitutional principals are not offended or altered for the sake of accommodating prevailing popular sentiment. I am not afraid to challenge prior case law that misapplies fundamental constitutional principals and rights. My tenure in the Supreme Court will be one free of special interest associations or the politics that can call into question Judge’s impartiality.

Campaign web site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Steve Gonzalez
Video Voters' Guide: [Did not appear]

Candidate ratings:

Cardozo Law Society * Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Joint Asian
Judicial Evaluation Committee
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Justice for Washington
* Well Qualified
King County Bar Association Refused to
Well Qulified
Latina/o Bar Ass'n of Washington * Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Loren Miller Bar Association * Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Pierce County
Minority Bar Association
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Q-Law: The GLBT
Bar Association of Washington
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Seattle Metropolitan
Elections Committee
Inadequate Highly
Tacoma/Pierce County
Bar Association
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Washington Association
of Prosecuting Attorneys
* Well Qualified
Women Lawyers
* Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings from all organizations for all candidates, and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

The Columbian  
Kitsap Sun  
Seattle Times  
The Stranger  
Tacoma News Tribune  
Tri-City Herald  
Wenatchee World  
Yakima Herald-Republic  


Finance report:

See individual contributors:
Steve Gonzalez


Media stories:
    July 29, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Criticism over Port Orchard attorney's quiet candidacy for Supreme Court
    July 26, 2012
Seattle Times   Primary to determine one State Supreme Court race
    July 23, 2012
Seattle P-I   King County ballots, vtr. pamphet are misleading
    July 22, 2012
Seattle P-I   Challengers no-shows at Supreme Court forum
    July 20, 2012
Northwest Public Radio   For Washington Supreme Court Justice, "Primary" Race Is Final
    June 26, 2012
The Stranger   Does his name sound too Mexican?, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.