Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Randy Flyckt


Adams County Superior Court

Position One

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Randy Flyckt

Legal/Judicial Experience: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, 1999-2002; partner, Strohmaier & Flyckt, 2002-2003; Adams County Prosecuting Attorney 2003-2012; criminal experience, ranging from simple misdemeanors to homicide offenses; civil experience ranging from family law to land use.

Other Professional Experience: Ex-officio Coroner; member, Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys; National District Attorneys Association; Washington Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners.

Education: BA, history, Gonzaga University, 1996; JD, Gonzaga University School of Law, 1999.

Community Service: Adams County Community Mobilization Board; Adams County Community Network; People Against Illegal Drugs (PAID); Juvenile Detention Alternatives Steering Committee (JDAI); Adams County Law & Justice Council; Lions International (Ritzville Chapter); Ritzville Museum Volunteers Association.

Statement: The office of Superior Court Judge shoulders great responsibility, and serves a most critical role in our justice system. An effective justice system, based upon the principles of integrity and fairness, is a cornerstone of infrastructure necessary for our communities to remain stable and safe, and to grow. A judge must possess qualities, and set standards, beyond the role of attorney and advocate, including: integrity & character, mild temperament, legal knowledge, work ethic, respect for the limited role of the judiciary, and connection with local concerns & community values. I have dedicated my career to serving, and working to improve, our justice system in Adams County. I have had the privilege of serving as your elected Prosecuting Attorney for nearly the past 10 years. During this time I have gained a wealth of legal experience appropriate to the Superior Court Bench. I have worked cooperatively with numerous community leaders, and have a demonstrated record as a public official. I present to you as a candidate who is well qualified, who possesses the qualities appropriate to the bench, committed to maintaining the standards the bench must set, and is best situated to promote long-term stability of our justice system.

Campaign web site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Brian Miller  


Finance report:

Randy Flyckt 7/4/2012 $1,200.00 $2,973.94
Brian Miller 7/4/2012 $0.00 $0.00
, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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