Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Teresa Kulik


Washington Court of Appeals

Division III, District Three, Position 2

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Teresa Kulik

Legal/Judicial Experience: Chief Judge, Court of Appeals, Div. III, 2010-2012; Judge, Court of Appeals, 2006-present; Justice Pro Tem, Supreme Court. Appointed by former Attorney General Ken Eikenberry as Assistant Attorney General in 1981, served through 2006; Counsel to Central Washington University, 1984-2006; Attorney, Evergreen Legal Services, 1978-81.

Other Professional Experience: Commission on Judicial Conduct, 2007-present; Council of Chief Judges of State Courts of Appeals; National Association of College and University Attorneys.

Education: J.D. Gonzaga University School of Law, 1977; B.A. University of Washington, 1974; NYU Law School Judicial College

Community Service: Past: President of Yakima Bar Association, Yakima Little League, PTA.

Statement: I have been privileged to serve as a judge on the Court of Appeals since 2006. My life experience, my work as a lawyer for 27 years, and my commitment to public service have prepared me well for this judicial position. I was born and raised in Yakima. My parents, Maggie and Mike Kulik, taught me the value of integrity, honesty, and hard work. I was married to the late Peter Young of Wenatchee and have one adult son.

I have been endorsed by the justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Superior Court judges, and numerous citizens. (See website at and

As Chief Judge, I worked diligently to ensure that the court ran efficiently and was responsive to the public in spite of significant budget cuts.

I pledge to be fair, independent and to honor the trust placed in me as a judge. My campaign will not solicit or accept financial contributions. I steadfastly adhere to our nation's promise of equal justice under the law. I will continue to uphold the Constitution and to respect the rule of law. I would appreciate your vote on August 7th.

Campaign web site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Devin Poulson

Finance report:

See individual contributors:
Teresa Kulik

Media stories:
    July 20, 2012
Wenatchee World   Wenatcheeites in running for state Court of Appeals, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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