Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Stephanie Arend


Pierce County Superior Court

Department 12

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Stephanie Arend

Legal/Judicial Experience: Superior Court Judge for 13 years, (1999-Current).

Other Professional Experience: Attorney, former partner Gordon, Thomas & Honeywell specialized in complex environmental and real estate litigation. Volunteer Mediator, Pierce County District Court, Small Claims Division.

Education: Seattle University School of Law, JD, Cum Laude; Alverno College, BA with honors.

Community Service: Paint Tacoma/Pierce County Beautiful; Habitat for Humanity; Neighborhood Legal Clinic Volunteer; YMCA Youth and Government High School Mock Trial; Catholic Community Services; Washington High Schools’ LINCS Job Shadow Program; Cub Scout Pack 299 Den Leader; Tacoma Little Theatre; In-House Client Counseling Competition

Statement: Judge Stephanie Arend is a highly respected member of the Bench because of her tireless commitment to justice, her strong work ethic, and her exceptional ability to be fair, firm, and decisive every day in the Courtroom. Judge Arend is truly an exceptional judge who deserves your support.

Broadly endorsed by legal and community leaders, Judge Stephanie Arend has precisely the values and integrity we need on the Bench. As a Superior Court Judge for the past 12 years, Stephanie has earned a strong reputation for her work both in Courtroom and in the community.

Respected by her peers on the Bench, Judge Stephanie Arend was selected as the Superior Court Presiding Judge, the Family Court Presiding Judge, and the Criminal Division Presiding Judge. Judge Arend is active in numerous statewide legal organizations. She has won numerous awards throughout her career in recognition of her many contributions.

A devoted mother of two, and an active member of her church and charitable groups, Judge Arend believes in the value of hard work, commitment, and dedication to her community. Please vote to reelect one of our finest members of the Pierce County Superior Court – Judge Stephanie Arend.

Campaign Web Site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Toni Froehling
Candidate ratings:

Tacoma-Pierce County
Bar Association
* Well Qualified
Women Lawyers
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings from all organizations for all candidates, and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Tacoma News Tribune  


Finance report:

Stephanie Arend 8/3/2012 $105,725.10
Personal Funds $52,500.00
Loans $5,000.00
Toni Froehling 8/3/2012 $12,340.00
Loans $1,000.00

Media stories:
    July 14, 2012
Tacoma News Tribune   Pierce Superior Court races draw the most candidates since 2004, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.