Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Peggy Ann Bierbaum


Jefferson County Superior Court

Peggy Ann Bierbaum

Legal/Judicial Experience: Thirteen years of private practice in Jefferson County. Superior Court Commissioner and Judge Pro Tem since 2008. District Court Judge Pro Tem since 2006. Nine years Assistant Ethics Counsel and Director of Legal Services for American Bar Association.

Other Professional Experience: Administrative Director for Catholic Community Services. Vice President of Finance and Administration for United Way of King County.

Education: B.A., University of Illinois, 1979. J.D., DePaul University, 1982. Editor, DePaul Law Review. M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1985.

Community Service: Five-year member of Washington State Gambling Commission. Chair, 2009. Has provided free legal services to domestic violence victims, indigent tenants of slum landlord, and volunteer firefighters.

Statement: Peggy Ann's thirty-year legal career includes private practice, public service and judicial experience.

Peggy Ann has practiced law in Port Townsend for thirteen years, earning a reputation as an exceptionally well-prepared and therefore highly effective courtroom attorney. She has served Jefferson County as a Superior Court Commissioner since 2008 and as a District Court Judge Pro Tem since 2006. She has presided over all of the types of matters heard in those courts - civil, criminal, juvenile, family law, truancy, small claims, and traffic infractions.

While the Superior Court Judge was on medical leave, Peggy Ann assumed responsibility for Drug Court, juvenile offenders, and the juvenile intervention program. She also presided over the adult offender and truancy calendars, heard civil trials, decided District Court appeals, reviewed probate filings, and finalized adoptions. Peggy Ann characterizes these nine months as the most gratifying of her career.

Peggy Ann's goals as Superior Court Judge are to advocate for improvements in the administration of justice, including movement towards a paperless environment, and continued community support and funding for specialty courts such as Drug Court, Family Therapeutic Court, Mental Health Court, and Topside.

Campaign Web Site:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponents: Michael Haas, Keith Harper


Finance report:

Peggy Ann Bierbaum 7/25/2012 $15,840.00
Personal Funds $5,500.00
Michael Haas 7/25/2012 $7,481.74
Personal Funds $100.00
Keith Harper 7/25/2012 $25,299.10
Loans $5,000.00

Media stories:
    July 13, 2012
Port Townsend Leader   County lawyers' poll rates Harper as best judicial candidate; some comments are blunt
Peninsula Daily News   Jefferson County bar group rates judicial candidates, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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