Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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David Gregerson


Clark County Superior Court

Department 2

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

David GregersonLegal/Judicial Experience: Judge Pro Tempore and MAR arbitrator, presiding over hundreds of cases; 20+ years experience as a successful trial attorney in private practice; guest professor at WSUV; Wash. State Bar certified continuing education instructor; Clark Co. Bar Association officer

Other Professional Experience: Partner in Gregerson & Langsdorf, P.S., a full service law firm; Legal Advisor to Clark Co. Rental Association; Clark Co. Volunteer Lawyers Program board member; Housing Justice Project; Clark Co. Bar Association board member

Education: Juris Doctor, Vanderbilt Law School, 1992; B.A. in psychology, Pepperdine University, 1989

Community Service: Clark Co. Volunteer Lawyers Program board member; Housing Justice Project; SWIFT; Boy Scouts; Vancouver Lake Crew; high school mock trial coach and judge

Statement: It is time for new leadership in Department 2 of Clark County Superior Court.

David Gregerson was born and raised in Clark County, the son of immigrants from Denmark. After graduating law school, he returned to Vancouver and went on to establish a successful law firm with Dean Langsdorf emphasizing real estate, litigation, personal injury, family law, criminal defense, guardianship and bankruptcy. His law practice makes him a regular fixture at the courthouse and particularly in Superior Court. His depth and breadth of experience earned him a rating of “well-qualified” by the governor’s judicial evaluation committees and the respect of his peers.

David believes that serving on the bench is a privilege and high honor. David will treat everyone in court with dignity, respect, and fairness. In contrast, his opponent has been charged not once, but twice, with serious misconduct by the Commission on Judicial Conduct—one of which is still open pending trial. Material/Open_Complaints/6707 Wulle SOC.pdf

With 20 years experience as a civil trial attorney, and presiding over hundreds of cases as Judge Pro Tempore, David Gregerson has the integrity, knowledge and judicial temperament to be our next Superior Court judge.

Campaign Website:  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: John Wulle

Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

The Columbian  


Finance report:

David Gregerson 8/7/2012 $27,259.11
Personal Funds $10,000.00
John Wulle 8/7/2012 $10,275.85 $4,813.83

Media stories:
    August 8, 2012
The Columbian   Judge Wulle dealt stunning loss by Gregerson
    July 16, 2012
The Columbian   Candidates to be judge make cases
The Columbian   Judge Wulle falls in bar association's poll
    July 13, 2012
The Columbian   Judicial race strongly flavored by uproar over judge's style in court
    June 15, 2012
The Columbian   Judge Wulle's conduct hearing delayed, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.