Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Joel Penoyer


Washington Court of Appeals

Division II, District Three, Position 1

This candidate is running unopposed.

Joel Penoyar

Legal/Judicial Experience: Lawyer from 1974 to 1988. Judge in District Court, Superior Court and Court of Appeals from 1976 to present.

Other Professional Experience: Teacher U.S. Virgin Islands 1971

Education: BA University of Michigan; JD University of Oregon

Community Service: See my Statement

Statement: Joel Penoyar is campaigning for an additional term on the Washington State Court of Appeals. He is the longest serving judge in the state (36 years) and served as the Chief Judge of Division 2 of the court which hears appeals from courts from Clark county north to Clallam county.

Joel and his wife, Betsy, raised 5 children in South Bend and have been very active in Youth Soccer, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and numerous other local organizations. Joel is a volunteer firefighter and first responder and high school track coach. He has taught domestic violence classes and judicial ethics classes.

Rural judges have an excellent chance to see the results of their decisions in their communities. Judge Penoyar believes this unique perspective and his many years of judicial experience are invaluable in his work at the Court of Appeals.

Judge Penoyar says, “It is a mistake for judges to attempt to mold the law to fit their own personal or political beliefs. More important than a “judicial philosophy” is a judicial work ethic: I work hard to write decisions that are understandable, correct, complete and that make sense in our real world.”

Email: [email protected]

, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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