Archived Version: August 7, 2012

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Judy Ramseyer


King County Superior Court

Department 46

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Judy RamseyerLegal/Judicial Experience: Twenty-five years legal experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in complex civil litigation, including consumer protection, class action, and securities; civil rights, prisoner, and constitutional law practice; criminal justice and mental health issues; business law; family law; and mediator.

Other Professional Experience: Fifteen years counseling adolescents and working in juvenile corrections; agency administrator.

Education: J.D. summa cum laude, Seattle University School of Law; M.C. Mental Health Counseling, Seattle University; B.A. Psychology, Eckerd College

Community Service: Chair, Glass Ceiling Task Force; Chair, Federal Pro Bono Committee; Excellence in Diversity Award, WA State Bar Association; President’s Award and Passing the Torch Award, WA Women Lawyers; Ninth Circuit Lawyer Representative.

Statement: Judy Ramseyer is an independent, respected attorney with superb qualifications and broad experience in law, public service, and life. Highly rated and widely endorsed, Judy is uniquely prepared for the bench.

Judy has passion for equal justice; compassion for crime victims and families in crisis. She believes our courts are a place where all people must be heard, treated with respect, and their issues are resolved responsibly and fairly.

Judy began her career working with at-risk youth, earning a master’s and law degree at night. Her law career started as Honorable William Dwyer’s first law clerk, working on complex federal criminal and civil cases. A single mom, Judy raised her daughter while building her trial practice in several of the region’s leading law firms and as a solo practitioner. She is a lifelong advocate for women, kids, and those in need of a voice. When not working, Judy bikes and loves being outdoors.

Supporters include Ron Sims, Charley Royer, Ruth Woo, Larry Gossett, David Boerner, Anne Levinson, Sally Bagshaw, Jamie Pedersen, Adam Kline; 10 Supreme Court Justices, including Madsen and Gonzalez; 20 Appeal and Superior Court Judges; NARAL; MLK County Labor Council; 10 Democratic legislative districts, and King County Democrats.


Campaign Web Site: | Facebook  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Gary Ernsdorff
Questionnaire responses: For Municipal League of King County

Candidate ratings:

Joint Asian
Judicial Evaluation Committee
Well Qualified
Well Qualified
King County Bar Association Well Qualified Well Qualified
Latina/o Bar Association
of Washington
* Well Qualified
Municipal League
of King County
Outstanding Outstanding
Q-Law: The GLBT
Bar Association of Washington
Well Qualified Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Seattle Metropolitan
Elections Committee
Women Lawyers
* Highly

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings from all organizations for all candidates, and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Seattle Times  
The Stranger  


Finance report:

Gary Ernsdorff 8/3/2012 $34,872.00
Personal Funds $10,000.00
Loans $3,000.00
Judy Ramseyer 8/3/2012 $47,641.81
Loans $4,000.00

 , P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.