General Election: November 6, 2012

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Jennifer Forbes


Kitsap County Superior Court

Department 7

Jennifer Forbes

Legal/Judicial Experience: Current Kitsap County Judge Pro-Tem (past seven years) including approximately 1,000 hours in Municipal/District Courts, Former Kitsap County Deputy Prosecutor (ten years), Private Practice (six years).

Other Professional Experience: President, Kitsap County Bar Association; Specialized training/presenter in: Date Rape Violence, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Drug Recognition, DUI prosecutions.

Education: Whitman College (B.A.), Seattle University Law School (cum laude).

Community Service: Leadership Kitsap, Red Cross (2007 Real Heroes Spirit of Involvement Award and 2008 Exemplary Service Award), Kitsap County P.A.L.S. Mentor, Rotary, Kitsap County Commission on Children and Youth, United Way, YMCA, Pierce County AIDS Foundation, Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program Task Force, and Youth Mentor.

Statement: My life has been a journey similar to many but mentioned by few. I grew up poor to the point of being homeless, living out of a car for months after my father died. I never lost sight of what education could mean to me – went to Whitman College, won scholarships, graduated from law school and started giving back to my community.

Rated “Exceptionally Well Qualified” by local bar associations, I was recently appointed Bremerton Court Commissioner and also preside over Kitsap County Municipal/District Court cases. In the past seven years, I have adjudicated more cases in Kitsap County as a Judge Pro-Tem than all of my opponents put together.

I have endorsements from almost all our local Judges, Kitsap County Labor Council, Firefighters, Troopers, Home Builder’s Association, Police Chiefs’ Association, Kitsap County Prosecutor Russ Hauge, Sen. Derek Kilmer, Rep. Jan Angel, Rep. Larry Seaquist, Bremerton Mayor Patty Lent and more than 300 other individuals. I am “approved” by local Democratic Party and supported by many local Republicans.

My life has not been easy, but I know how so many other people feel. I live to make access to justice not a program nor a cliché, but a truth.

Campaign Web Site: | Facebook  
Email: [email protected]
Opponent: Karen Klein
Kitsap Sun Department 7 Election Guide: Q&A
Candidate ratings and poll:

Cardozo Society Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Joint Asian

Evaluation Committee
Well Qualified
Kitsap County Bar Ass'n
Members' Preference Poll
64 1
Latina/o Bar Ass'n
of Washington
Well Qualified
Q-Law: The GLBT
Bar Association

of Washington
Well Qualified Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Women Lawyers
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings from all organizations for all candidates, and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Kitsap Sun  
North Kitsap


Finance report:

Jennifer Forbes 10/28/2012 $85,819.02
Personal Funds $56,914.00
Loans $10,000.00
Karen Klein 10/28/2012 $75,212.28
Personal Funds $45,770.96
Loans $10,000.00

Media stories:
    October 16, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Candidates work to give voters reason to fill in the box
    October 11, 2012
North Kitsap Herald   Judge hopefuls tout pro tem hours
    October 8, 2012   Superior Court Candidate Karen Klein on why Voting for Judges Should Matter to You
    October 1, 2012
North Kitsap Herald   Candidate Q & A: Superior Court, Department 7
    September 14, 2012
North Kitsap Herald   Forbes 'preferred' by Kitsap Bar Association
    September 19, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Judge candidates tout trial experience
    August 31, 2012
North Kitsap Herald   Klein picks up more endorsements in race for judge
    August 17, 2012
North Kitsap Herald   Superior Court race will go to Nov. 6 general election
    August 10, 2012
Bainbridge Island Review   Forbes still hovers at 49 percent in Superior Court judge race
    August 9, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Forbes posed to clinch Superior Court race
    August 8, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Forbes blows away field in Kitsap Superior Court race
North Kitsap Herald   Superior Court judge, Court 7 is too close to call
    July 20, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Four vying for Superior Court judge bring wide range of backgrounds
    July 11, 2012
Kitsap Sun   Would-be judges suggest ways to speed up legal process, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.