Archived Version: November 6, 2012

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Marlin Appelwick


Washington Court of Appeals

Division I, District One, Position 7

This candidate is running unopposed.

Marlin Appelwick

Legal/Judicial Experience: Judge, Court of Appeals, 1998-present; Attorney, private practice, 1980-1998; State Representative, 46th Legislative District, 1983-1998

Other Professional Experience: Washington Uniform Laws Commission, 1985-present; Board for Judicial Administration, 2006-2012; Council on Public Legal Education, co-chair, 1999-present; Gender & Justice Commission, 1998-2007; Access to Justice Board, 1993-1999; board, 2010-present; President's Award, Washington State Bar Association, 2011; Access to Justice Leadership Award, ATJ Board 2008

Education: Juris Doctor, University of Washington School of Law, 1979; Bachelor of Science/Arts, Minnesota State University-Mankato, 1976

Community Service: Seattle-Lake City Lions Club; Lake City Community Center Board; Faith Lutheran Church

Statement: Thank you for the privilege of serving on the Court of Appeals for the past 14 years.

Your right of appeal to a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals is a critical part of the safety net that protects our rights. The large volume of cases and tremendous variety of civil and criminal issues makes the job very challenging. My experience while a lawyer in private practice and during 16 years in the legislature prepared me well for the breadth of issues. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the other members of the court and wrestling with those challenges to make just decisions and to write good opinions.

I believe a judge should serve the community in ways beyond the decisions made on the bench. I work hard on court budget matters and participate actively in judicial administration. I remain committed to making information about the law more accessible to the public through the “” website. And, I will continue to promote awareness of your civic rights and responsibilities through the Council on Public Legal Education.

I ask for your vote of confidence and the opportunity to serve you for another term.

Email: [email protected]

, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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