Archived Version: August 17, 2010

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Ketu Shah


King County District Court

Northeast Division, Position Seven

Ketu Shah

Occupation: Attorney at Law; King County District Court Judge Pro Tempore

Education: Juris Doctorate - University of Minnesota; Bachelor of Arts - Whitman College

Statement: Ketu Shah is rated “Exceptionally Well Qualified” and is the highest rated candidate in this race. A prosecutor of domestic violence crimes for over 10 years, Ketu is passionate about justice and community. With over 100 jury trials, and three years as a pro tem judge in this district, Ketu offers proven courtroom experience. A vote for Ketu is a vote for effective jurisprudence, experienced judgment, and an engaged community member.

Effective: Known for strength, compassion, and fairness, Ketu has the highest ratings in this race - “Exceptionally Well Qualified” by King County Bar Association · Joint Asian Judicial Evaluation Committee · Loren Miller Bar Association · Q Law; and “Highly Qualified” by Washington Women Lawyers. Ketu has the wide support of judges, prosecutors, police, court clerks, defense attorneys, and community leaders such as Judge Carol Schapira, Judge Jean Rietschel, Judge Mary Yu, 45th Representative Roger Goodman, King County Councilmember Bob Ferguson, and Lieutenant Ed Mott, BPD (retired).

Experienced: As a prosecutor, Ketu became an expert in domestic violence cases. He helped create a domestic violence court, advocated for survivor’s rights, trained police, and taught prosecutors statewide. In Bellevue, Ketu led a team of detectives, probation, advocates, and Eastside Domestic Violence Program to coordinate a community response towards ending domestic violence and increase public safety. As pro tem judge, Ketu has an extensive track record of being fair, thoughtful, and respectful in his proceedings. His breadth of experience makes Ketu a clear choice for judge.

Engaged: Ketu is committed to justice and community involvement. Ketu has volunteered countless hours in pro bono legal work for Chaya and survivors of domestic violence. He has coached his two daughters’ soccer teams, coached high school soccer, volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club, and tutored math.

Effective. Experienced. Engaged. Vote Ketu Shah.

Official web site: | Facebook | Twitter  
Opponents: Larry Mitchell | Donna Tucker
Questionnaire responses: For King County Bar Association
For Municipal League of King County
For King County Democrats


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Issaquah Press    


Finance report:

(Click a dollar figure for detailed information.)

Larry Mitchell 8/17/2010 $5,260.94
Loans $250.00
Ketu Shah 8/17/2010 $24,358.30
Loans $4,700.00
Donna Tucker 8/17/2010 $27,187.55
Personal Funds $6,000.00
Loans $4,700.00

Media stories:
    August 3, 2010
Issaquah Press   Judicial candidates are all well qualified
Issaquah Press   Judicial candidates prepare for Aug. 17 election, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.