General Election: November 2, 2010

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Ed McKenna


Seattle Municipal Court

Position One

Ed McKenna

OCCUPATION: Senior Assistant Seattle City Attorney

EDUCATION: University of Puget Sound (now Seattle U) Law School University of Washington

LEGAL EXPERIENCE: With more than 20 years experience as an Assistant Seattle City Attorney, Ed has prosecuted thousands of criminal cases and brought more than 200 to trial. As an administrative judge, Ed presided over dozens of appellate hearings. Now, as a community prosecutor, Ed works to prevent crime before it happens.

FAMILY: Ed grew up in Seattle, is married, and has a son and two grandchildren.

STATEMENT: It’s time to shine a light on the Seattle Municipal Court. It should be transparent and accountable -- and our judges must be competent and fair. In a recent judicial evaluation survey conducted by the King County Bar Association, Ed’s opponent received the lowest rating of any municipal or district court judge in King County. Seattle deserves better!

And in these difficult economic times, a Court that refuses to fully participate in a City audit to find efficiencies and cut waste needs new leadership.

Ed wants to bring new energy and ideas to the Court to save time and money. Most importantly, Ed wants to earn back the respect of the people served by the court.

Ed has a record of developing innovative, cost-effective strategies that protect public safety: • Ed initiated Seattle’s first “Auto Theft Initiative,” which led to a significant drop in auto theft rates. • Ed McKenna has worked to reduce the impact of crime-plagued motels in the community and has helped make surrounding neighborhoods safer. • Ed McKenna has received countless awards, commendations and letters of appreciation for his work in creative community prosecution.

Ed is proud to have earned the trust of law enforcement, community groups, and members of the legal community for his integrity and commitment. He’s supported by current and former City Attorneys Pete Holmes, Tom Carr and Mark Sidran, Council Member Nick Licata, Seattle and King County Police Officer’s Guilds, Seattle Police Management Association, Retired Sgt John Guich, Retired Sgt Kirby Leufroy, Officer Larry Jackson, Sgt Dianne Newsom, Detective Bruce Larsen, Former Chief of Seattle City Attorney’s Office Public & Community Safety Division Robert Hood, the 36th, 37th 43rd, and 46th District Democrats, Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors (GAIN), Citizens for Judicial Excellence, Roosevelt Business Association, Cowen Park Neighborhood Association, and many more.

Ed will bring to our Municipal Court the competence and excellence Seattle deserves.

Official web site:  
Opponent: Edsonya Charles
Questionnaire responses: For Municipal League of King County
For King County Democrats

Candidate ratings:
King County Bar Association Qualified Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Municipal League of King County Adequate Very Good
Joint Asian Judicial
Evaluations Committee
Well Qualified *
Washington Women Lawyers Qualified Exceptionally
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings for candidates with an asterisk (*), and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate.


Finance report:

(Click a dollar figure for detailed information.)

Edsonya Charles 10/06/2010 $26,324.36 $3,852.89
Ed McKenna 10/06/2010 $48,791.89
Personal Funds $17,662.68
Loans $1,987.32

Media stories:
    October 15, 2010
Seattle P-I  
    October 14, 2010
Seattle Times   New allegations in muni court race
Seattle P-I  
    October 6, 2010
Seattle Times   Presiding judge of Seattle Municipal Court targeted for defeat
    October 5, 2010
KING 5   DUI attorneys accused of breaking rules in judicial campaign
    August 19, 2010
Seattle Times   Municipal Court candidate wants to criticize his opponent in voters guide statement, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.