Archived Version: November 2, 2010

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Judith Eiler


King County District Court

Southwest Division, Position Two

Judith Eiler

Occupation: Judge

Education: BA communications and education, MA communications, JD

Statement: JUDGE EILER is a tough, no nonsense judge. When JUDGE EILER sentences a convicted criminal she requires accountability for their actions.

JUDGE EILER served as Chief Civil Judge in all three civil District Courts. Currently, she hears civil cases and heads the Ex Parte Department pilot project that has reduced the turn around time from 4-6 months to a consistent 48 hours for these matters.

JUDGE EILER is endorsed by over 50 judges from the Superior, District and Municipal courts. She has served as your District Court Judge for 18 years.

JUDGE EILER is experienced, effective and fair.

JUDGE EILER served as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the South King County Bar Association. In 1999 the Governor appointed her to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission as its Judicial Commissioner. The American Bar Association and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration named JUDGE EILER their Judicial Outreach Liaison for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. JUDGE EILER is a member of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Federal Way. She's served as an adjunct professor of Law at Seattle University.

JUDGE EILER has not solicited political party endorsements and does not accept PAC money.

Official web site:  
Opponent: Susan Mahoney
Questionnaire responses:

For Municipal League of King County


Candidate ratings:

King County Bar Association Not Qualified Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Municipal League of King County Adequate Outstanding
Washington Women Lawyers * Exceptionally
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. We do not have ratings for candidates with an asterisk (*), and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process, or we might not have received them yet; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Federal Way Mirror  


Finance report:

Judith Eiler 10/18/2010 $2,859.40 $3,261.24
Susan Mahoney 10/18/2010 $26,335.68
Personal Funds $250.00

Media stories:
    August 18, 2010
TIME Magazine   [Column] A Real-Life Judge Judy Gets Smacked Down
    August 5, 2010
Seattle P-I   King County judge suspended for rudeness, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.