Archived Version: August 19, 2008

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Marysville Globe/Arlington Times



Re-elect Judge Lucas to Superior Court

by Scott Frank, Managing Editor

August 13, 2008 — Unlike the partisan races which appear on the Aug. 19 primary ballot in which the top two candidates in each race who receive the most votes move on to face off in the November general election, if one of the two candidates vying for Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 8, receives more than 50 percent of the vote the race will be decided and not move on to the November general election.

The Superior Court, Position 8, race features a rematch of the 2004 race in which the challenger Eric Lucas defeated then-incumbent David Hulbert. Now it is Hulbert seeking to unseat the incumbent Judge Lucas.

Both candidates have extensive and varied backgrounds. Lucas has served in private industry, as a King County deputy prosecutor, a city attorney, State of Washington Administrative Appeals Judge, Snohomish County Superior Court Judge, Washington State Board of Judicial Administration Best Practices Committee, Superior Court Judge’s Association Equity and Fairness Committee and Adjunct Professor Seattle University Law School. Hulbert has served as a Snohomish County deputy prosecuting attorney, city prosecutor, in private practice, as a mediator and arbitrator, and for 12 years as a Snohomish County Superior Court Judge.

Both candidates have significant support in the community. Hulbert’s Web site lists more than 150 private citizens who support his candidacy. Lucas has the support of a number of Washington State Supreme Court Justices, numerous Snohomish County Superior Court Judges, a variety of Snohomish County public officials and a long list of community leaders and members.

While both candidates are asking for your vote in the Aug. 19 election, we believe that voters should retain Judge Eric Lucas. His experience and his commitment to fairness make him well suited for the job.

For more information about the candidates, visit their Web sites at: Eric Lucas, and David Hulbert,
, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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