Archived Version: August 19, 2008

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David Stevens


Spokane County Superior Court

Position Ten

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

David Stevens

Current Occupation/Employer: Prosecuting Attorney, Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office

Education: Law Degree and B.A., University of Washington

Legal/Judicial Experience: Over the last eight years, David Stevens has prosecuted thousands of cases, arguing more than one hundred jury trials. He works in the Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office prosecuting career criminals. David’s extensive trial experience and appellate work have earned him the respect of opposing counsel, judges, and peers.

Family: David, Pam, and their daughters attend the W.A.S.G. Lutheran Congregation.

Significant Career Experience: After high school, David joined the Navy serving four years aboard the USS Camden AOE-2. Before becoming a prosecutor, David was a Federal Civil Rights Investigator.

Candidate Statement: David works hard to protect Spokane County and ensure that offenders are held accountable. He has a reputation for being tough yet reasonable and respectful to all. He believes the role of the courts is to protect not just the rights of the accused, but also the rights of victims and the community. David has a passion for justice and the record to prove it. Superior Court is easily the county’s toughest legal arena. Superior Court judges hear hundreds of cases every year. As your judge, David will be firm, fair, and just. Learn more at

Official web site:  
Opponent: Linda Tompkins
Candidate ratings:

Spokane County
Bar Association
Evaluation Panel
Refused to
Spokane County
Bar Association
Member Poll

Refused to

See details
Women Lawyers
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. Candidates with an asterisk (*) were not rated, and the reasons vary. Some evaluations may still be in process; some candidates may not have been offered an opportunity to participate, or they may have declined to participate. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.


Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Spokane Spokesman-Review  

Finance report:

(Click a dollar figure for detailed data from the Public Disclosure Commission. Note that summary numbers here might not match detailed data for various reasons.)

David Stevens 08/13/2008 $5,350.00 $3,945.07
Linda Tompkins 08/13/2008 $37,454.40 $35,145.33

Media stories:
    July 31, 2008
Spokesman-Review   Judicial poll gives high marks to Vovos, Tompkins
    July 18, 2008
Spokesman-Review   Superior, appeals court judgeships on line in vote
    April 22, 2008
Spokesman-Review   Judgeship races start to take shape

 , P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.