Archived Version: August 19, 2008

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John Knodell


Grant County Superior Court

Position Two

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

John Knodell

Current Occupation/Employer: Serving fifth term as elected prosecuting attorney.

Education: Juris Doctorate from University of Puget Sound Law School: 1980; Bachelor of Arts from Carleton College: 1974.

Legal/Judicial Experience: Member of Washington State Bar since 1980; Private attorney – 10 years; Elected prosecuting attorney – 17-1/2 years.

Family: Married 25 years to Kathy; five children.

Significant Career Experience: Argued in U.S. Supreme Court. Argued frequently in Washington Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Extensive trial experience including both defense and prosecution of numerous murder cases.

Candidate Statement: I have had the opportunity to serve Grant County as Prosecuting Attorney for the last 17 ˝ years. My extensive experience in the courtroom has provided me a thorough knowledge of trial procedures. Moreover, I am intimately familiar with the impact that the court system has on crime victims, witnesses, and others. I have also gained much managerial experience as administrator of the Prosecutor’s Office, working with ten attorneys and their support staff.

Serving as Superior Court Judge will give me the opportunity to put what I have learned to work for the people of Grant County. I deeply believe that justice must extend to all persons, regardless of social or economic status. If elected, I will administer the law fairly and impartially.

Official web site:  
Opponent: Douglas Anderson  
 , P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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