Archived Version: August 19, 2008

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Amber Finlay


Mason County Superior Court

Position One

Amber Finlay

Current Occupation/Employer: Second term as Shelton Municipal Court Judge; Mason County Superior Court Commissioner since 2002.

Education: Graduate of University of Puget Sound Law School 1990, Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Washington 1986.

Legal/Judicial Experience: Mason County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for 11 years; received specialized training in major crimes, domestic violence, family law, juvenile law and higher court appeals.

Family: Amber and Bruce Finlay have two teenage children, a stepson and a grandson.

Significant Career Experience: Mason County Deputy Coroner; Assistant Tutor to Law Clerk; Founding Member of the Missing and Exploited Children’s Task Force. District and Municipal Judges Association, Shelton Rotary, St. Edwards Church.

Candidate Statement: As an experienced Municipal Court Judge, Superior Court Commissioner, attorney, and former prosecutor, I understand that the justice system must be responsible to the community. It is essential to punish criminal violations while protecting our property rights and our liberties by following the Constitution.

As a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, in addition to prosecuting criminals I was a founding member of the Missing and Exploited Children’s Task Force.

Public confidence in the law begins with education. I began teaching law classes 17 years ago to law enforcement reserve officers, and did so for several years. Today, as a judge, I speak to students about the justice system, and preside over class project mock trials.

As a wife and mother I am active with my church and with youth groups. I am an involved member of Rotary and a student of the martial arts.

I strive to conduct myself with integrity and fairness (justice), to ensure that all decisions are made without interest toward or bias against any person, group, or organization.

Official web site:  
Opponents: Richard Adamson and Dan Goodell
Finance report:

(Click a dollar figure for detailed data from the Public Disclosure Commission. Note that summary numbers here might not match detailed data for various reasons.)

Richard Adamson 08/13/2008 $23,548.11 $21,403.90
Amber Finlay 08/13/2008 $10,196.94 $9695.85
Dan Goodell 08/13/2008 $18,865.00 $18,649.21

Media stories:
    July 31, 2008
Kitsap Sun   Court candidates want to see buildings, programs expanded
    July 15, 2008
The Olympian   Campaign trail
    July 9, 2008
Mason County
Daily News
  First candidates' forum held Tuesday night [with audio clips], P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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