Archived Version: August 19, 2008

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This page indexes candidates for election to Washington judicial offices in 2008. Names of incumbents seeking re-election are in bold.

This page is useful if you are looking for a particular name, or if you want to browse. If you want to know the elections that will be on your ballot, go to the Show My Elections page. If you are interested in reviewing all elected judges who have been profiled at this site, go to the Judges A-Z page.

Key to symbols:

Candidate is running for this position
Candidate won specified previous election
x Candidate lost specified previous election
@ Candidate was appointed to the position



Adamson, Richard — Mason County Superior Court

2008 Mason Superior Court Dep't 1

Amini, Susan — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 1

Anderson, Douglas — Grant County Superior Court

2008 Grant Superior Court Dep't 2

Appel, George — Snohomish County Superior Court

2008 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 6

Armijo, Sergio — Pierce County Superior Court

2008 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
2004 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
2000 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
1996 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
1995 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
@ 1994 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9

Bayness, William — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Beecher, Jim — Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 4

Bond, Michael — Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 3

Bouffard, Jean — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 10

Bradshaw, Tim — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 1

Cahan, Regina — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 10

Churchill, Vickie — Island County Superior Court

2008 Island Superior Court
2004 Island-San Juan Superior Court Dep't 2
2000 Island-San Juan Superior Court Dep't 2
1996 Island-San Juan Superior Court Dep't 2

Cobb, Monty — Mason County Superior Court

2008 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2

Corning, Nic — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 37

Dalton, Jeanette — Kitsap County Superior Court

2008 Kitsap Superior Court Dep't 1

Danieli, Ann — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 53

Danielson, Bruce — Kitsap County Superior Court

2008 Kitsap Superior Court Dep't 1
x 2004 Kitsap Superior Court Dep't 3

Dunham, Harvey — Court of Appeals Division III

2008 Division III Dist 1 Pos 2
x 2006 Spokane District Court Dep't 6
@ 2005 Spokane District Court Dep't 6
x 1998 Spokane District Court Dep't 6

Edsel, Ernest — Clark County Superior Court

2008 Clark Superior Court Dep't 2
2006 Division II Dist 3

Elofson, David — Yakima County Superior Court

2008 Yakima Superior Court Dep't 5

Erikson-Muldrew, Jodi — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Evans, David — Clark County Superior Court

2008 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5

Fairhurst, Mary Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 3
2002 Supreme Court Pos 3

Finlay, Amber — Mason County Superior Court

2008 Mason Superior Court Dep't 1

Foley, Jim — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2
x 2000 Supreme Court Pos 9
x 1998 Supreme Court Pos 1

Ford, Timothy — Court of Appeals Division II

2008 Court of Appeals Div II Dist 2

Garratt, Julia — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 22
x 2004 King Superior Court Dep't 23

Gaylord, Randall — San Juan County Superior Court

2008 San Juan Superior Court Dep't 1

Gilbert, Bill — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Gilmore, Sans — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Goodell, Dan — Mason County Superior Court

2008 Mason Superior Court Dep't 1

Graham, Rebeccah — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 22

Grant, Joshua — Lincoln County Superior Court

2008 Lincoln Superior Court
2006 Lincoln District Court
2002 Lincoln District Court
2000 Lincoln District Court

Hale, Matthew — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 26

Harris, Robert — Clark County Superior Court

2008 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
2004 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
2000 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
1996 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
1992 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
1988 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
1984 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
1980 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5
@ 1979 Clark Superior Court Dep't 5

Hayes, Lynn — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Hecht, Michael — Pierce County Superior Court

2008 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9
x 2004 Pierce Superior Court Dep't 9

Hill, Holly — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 22

Holm, Ed — Thurston County Superior Court

2008 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 7

Hulbert, David — Snohomish County Superior Court

2008 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8
x 2006 Everett District Court Dep't 2
x 2005 Division I Dist 2 Pos 1
x 2004 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8
2000 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8
1996 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8

Hunt, J. Robin Court of Appeals Division II

2008 Division II Dist 2 Pos 1
2002 Division II Dist 2 Pos 1
1996 Division II Dist 2 Pos 1

Johanson, Jim — Snohomish County Superior Court

2008 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 6

Johnson, Charles Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 4
2002 Supreme Court Pos 4
1996 Supreme Court Pos 4
1990 Supreme Court Pos 4

Knodell, John — Grant County Superior Court

2008 Grant Superior Court Dep't 2

Korsmo, Kevin Court of Appeals Division III

2008 Division III Dist 1 Pos 2
@ 2008 Division III Dist 1 Pos 2

Kratz, Phil — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Lawrence-Berrey, Rob — Yakima County Superior Court

2008 Yakima Superior Court Dep't 5

Linde, John — San Juan Superior Court

2008 San Juan Superior Court
@ 2008 San Juan Superior Court

Lohrmann, John — Walla Walla County Superior Court

2008 Walla Walla Superior Court Dep't 1
x 1996 Walla Walla Superior Court Dep't 1

Lucas, Eric — Snohomish County Superior Court

2008 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8
2004 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 8

Mack, Barbara — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 37

Mendoza, Sal — Benton-Franklin Superior Court

2008 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 1

Meyer, Sam — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Moore, Jamie — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Murphy, Carol — Thurston County Superior Court

2008 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 3

Murphy, Laura — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Parisien, Suzanne — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 1

Platt, Craig — Island County Superior Court

2008 Island Superior Court Dep't 2

Plese, Annette — Spokane County Superior Court

2008 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 1
2006 Spokane District Court Dep't 8
2002 Spokane District Court Dep't 8

Ponomarchuk, Les — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 10

Potts, Jerri — Benton-Franklin Superior Court

2008 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 1

Rietschel, Jean — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 37
2006 Seattle Municipal Court Dep't 10
2002 Seattle Municipal Court Dep't 10
1998 Seattle Municipal Court Dep't 10
@ 1996 Seattle Municipal Court Dep't 10

Rosen, Greg — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

Sheldon, Toni Mason County Superior Court

2008 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2
2004 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2
2000 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2
1996 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2
1992 Mason Superior Court Dep't 2

Shepherd, Douglas — Whatcom County Superior Court

2008 Whatcom Superior Court Dep't 3

Shepherd, Ronald — Lincoln County Superior Court

2008 Lincoln Superior Court

Snyder, Chuck — Whatcom County Superior Court

2008 Whatcom Superior Court Dep't 3

Spanner, Bruce — Benton-Franklin Superior Court

2008 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 1

Spearman, Mariane — King County Superior Court

2008 King Superior Court Dep't 53
2006 King District Court Dep't 5
2002 King District Court Dep't 5
2000 King District Court Dep't 5
@ 2000 King District Court Dep't 5

Stephens, Debra Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 7
@ 2007 Supreme Court Pos 7
2007 Division III Dist 1 Pos 2
@ 2007 Division III Dist 1 Pos 2

Stevens, David — Spokane County Superior Court

2008 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 1
x 2006 Spokane District Court Dep't 6
x 2005 Spokane District Court Dep't 6

Strohmaier, John — Lincoln County Superior Court

2008 Lincoln Superior Court
x 2004 Lincoln Superior Court

Tabor, Gary — Thurston County Superior Court

2008 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 7
2004 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 7
2000 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 7
1996 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 7

Thompson, Bob — Benton-Franklin Superior Court

2008 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 5

Thompson, Ralph — Yakima District Court

2008 Yakima District Court Dep't 4
@ 2008 Yakima District Court Dep't 4

Tompkins, Linda — Spokane County Superior Court

2008 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 10
2004 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 10
2000 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 10
1998 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 10
@ 1997 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 10

Valz, Ken — Thurston County District Court

2008 Thurston District Court Dep't 2

VanderSchoor, Vic — Benton-Franklin Superior Court

2008 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 5
2004 Benton-Franklin Superior Court Dep't 5

Vovos, Mark — Spokane County Superior Court

2008 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 1

Vulliet, Frank — Washington Supreme Court

2008 Supreme Court Pos 4

Wall, Greg — Kitsap County Superior Court

2008 Kitsap Superior Court Dep't 1

Weber, Greg — Spokane County Superior Court

2008 Spokane Superior Court Dep't 1

Wernette, Richard — Walla Walla County Superior Court

2008 Walla Walla Superior Court Dep't 1

Williams, Charles — Thurston County Superior Court

2008 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 3
x 2006 Thurston Superior Court Dep't 8

Wilson, Joseph — Snohomish County Superior Court

2008 Snohomish Superior Court Dep't 6

Wulle, John — Clark County Superior Court

2008 Clark Superior Court Dep't 2
2004 Clark Superior Court Dep't 2
2000 Clark Superior Court Dep't 2
1998 Clark District Court, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

As the election approaches, will include ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.