Archived Version: November 4, 2008

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Stanwood/Camano News



Judge hopefuls differ, but both are qualified

Published October 14, 2008 — An opening for judge in the Snohomish County Superior Court system puts voters in the role of judge: they get to decide who will rule on a variety of civil and criminal legal matters impacting not only their family, friends and neighbors, but possibly even themselves.

George Appel comes from the prosecution side of law, while Joe Wilson is a trial lawyer. Despite this contrasting orientation, both are qualified to be a Snohomish County Superior Court judge. Either will be able to cover the legal waterfront.

Critics of Wilson point to his 20-year-old history of drunk driving, and voters who base their decisions on a candidate’s entire resume, certainly a legitimate stance, will opt for Appel.

Still, since Wilson put that problem behind him years ago, he has set an example for community service, including being a guardian ad litem for injured children, providing leadership for the Center for Battered Women, Rotary, and providing legal services for the needy.

Wilson has been in private law practice in Everett for the last 13 years, before which he was a bailiff and clerked for Judge Larry McKeeman. He graduated from Gonzaga Law School in 1993. Wilson, 48, has often served as a judge pro tem.

Appel, 43, has 15 years as a deputy prosecuting attorney in Snohomish County under his belt. He graduated from the University of the Pacifc, McGeorge School of Law, in 1992.

His community service includes being on the board of Marysville YMCA, the board of the county bar association, Sunday school teacher and church board member.

Both candidates are quality people. You cannot go wrong with your vote, either way.

— Dave Pinkham, Editor and Publisher, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected].

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