Archived Version: November 6, 2007

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Debra Stephens


Court of Appeals

Division III, District 1

Debra Stephens

Candidate Statement: Judge Debra Stephens is a lifelong local resident, mother and fair-minded judge.  Judge Stephens puts people first, working hard to interpret the letter of the law with integrity and common sense.

Judge Stephens brings to the court vast experience as an appellate attorney, with an impressive record in Washington’s Court of Appeals and Supreme Court.  She has handled hundreds of cases, ranging from criminal and civil matters to family and probate law.  She is also a respected law professor, teaching at Gonzaga University School of Law since 1995.

Judge Stephens is committed to a justice system that respects the rights of every citizen, not special interests.  She is widely endorsed by legal professionals and judges, Republicans and Democrats, unions and leaders in business and education.

Judge Stephens grew up and attended school in the Spokane Valley, and today lives in Spokane with her husband, Craig and their two children.  She is active in Rotary, her church and community, and served for over a decade on the Orchard Prairie School Board.

Says Stephens, "It is an honor to serve Eastern Washington citizens on the Court of Appeals.  I appreciate your support."

Retain Judge Debra Stephens.

Official web site:  
Opponent: [none]
Finance report:

Debra Stephens 10/09/07 $13,310.00 $2,771.93, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
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