Archived Version: September 19, 2006

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Joel Penoyar


Washington Court of Appeals

Division 2, District 3

This race will be decided in the Primary Election.

Joel PenoyarEDUCATION: B.A. and Teaching Certificate, University of Michigan 1970 Juris Doctor, University of Oregon Law School 1974 General Jurisdiction Degree, National Judicial College 1989
OCCUPATION: Lawyer 1975-1988 Superior Court Judge 1988-2005 Judge at Court of Appeals 2005-present
EMPLOYER: State of Washington
LEGAL/JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE: Joel is among our longest serving judges (since 1976). He was raised in a large family in Michigan, and was a national champion rower. After law school in Eugene, he moved to southwest Washington in 1975.
OPTIONAL INFORMATION: Joel and his wife of thirty-three years, Betsy, have raised five children. This year all five were in college or graduate school. Joel has been a leader in Youth Soccer, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Historical Society, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, High School Coach, Red Cross and other organizations. Joel is a Volunteer Firefighter and First Responder. He's taught domestic violence and judicial ethics classes.

Candidate Statement: Unmatched Experience: Judge Penoyar has been your impartial judge for twenty-nine years. Never involved in any partisan politics, he follows the law and protects our constitutional rights. We must keep him. Widely Endorsed: Three decades in Southwest Washington earns him support from the majority of the State Supreme Court; Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, Firefighters, Prosecutors, Defenders, Judges, Lawyers, Unions and Businesses. Endorsed by local Republican and Democratic parties when appointed. Sheriff John Didion: “Judge Penoyar has the full support of law enforcement officers throughout Southwest Washington…he provides a fair trial but is tough on sentencing, especially violent or sex offenders”.

Questionnaire: Completed  
Official web site:  
Opponent: Brent Boger
Candidate ratings (click organization for details):

Asian Bar Association
of Washington
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified
Women Lawyers
* Exceptionally
Well Qualified

Important note! Each of these organizations uses its own standards and rating terms when evaluating candidates; please check their pages for further information. Candidates with an asterisk (*) were not rated, and the reasons they are not included vary. Some were not offered an opportunity to participate; others may have declined. Again, please check the organizations' pages for further details.

Newspaper endorsements (click paper for details):

Centralia Chronicle  
Vancouver Columbian  
Longview Daily News  

Finance report (Click name for contributor details):

Brent Boger 08/22/2006 $34,876.00 $25,478.23
Joel Penoyar 08/22/2006 $28,646.50 $22,145.86, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
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