Archived Version: November 7, 2006

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Kitsap Sun




Vote Carefully in State's Supreme Court Elections

Sunday, August 27, 2006Too frequently, state supreme court races elicit an apathetic yawn from voters. Occasionally, they deserve it.

But this year, voters should wake up. Too much is at stake. And because these are judicial races, any candidate receiving more than 50 percent of the vote in the primary is elected to office.

Our editorial board is endorsing Chief Justice Gerry Alexander and Justice Tom Chambers for re-election, and first-time candidate Sen. Stephen — remember that first name — Johnson.

In terms of voter confusion, the most problematic race is for Position 2. On the ballot are incumbent Justice Susan Owens and four challengers. The only significant candidates are Owens and Stephen Johnson, who have been building their campaigns for months. Another challenger is Michael Johnson — a last-minute candidate who isn't campaigning and apparently filed hoping voters will confuse him with the similarly named Stephen Johnson. Ignore him.

Owens, completing her first term, hasn't been a standout. Even with six years' experience, she received only a "qualified" rating from the King County Bar Association, just above "not qualified" in the four-tier rating system. By comparison, Stephen Johnson was rated "well qualified," despite never having served on the bench.

Completing his final term, Johnson is ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also was selected by the Washington State Bar Association as its 2005 Outstanding Elected Official. He has a deserved reputation for working effectively with lawmakers of both parties and is an excellent candidate for the state's highest court.

In Position 8, Chief Justice Gerry Alexander is being challenged by attorney John Groen. Groen's legal career has been primarily on property rights and "representing individuals in battles with government." He also notes that Alexander, 70, would reach the mandatory retirement age of 75 one year before he could complete another six-year term.

That's a low blow by Groen, but characteristic of a negative spin in his campaigning. And regardless, Washington residents would be far better served by five years of Alexander than a full six-year term with Groen.

In our editorial board interview, Alexander said he loves the job, has a lot of energy — and good-naturedly asked Groen if he wanted to change the retirement age to 70. After a distinguished career on superior and appeals courts, he was elected in 1994 to the Supreme Court. He's been chief justice for six years — the longest in the court's history. He earned the King County Bar Association's highest rating, "exceptionally well qualified", while Groen received only a lackluster "qualified."

One final note: Groen has raised nearly four times more in campaign funds than Alexander. Why? Because Groen was raking in large donations before the state's strict new limits on judicial contributions took effect. Alexander and all other Supreme Court candidates have voluntarily held to the new limits since they were passed by the Legislature, and before they became law.

In the final race, Position 8, Justice Tom Chambers is being challenged by Jeanette Burrage. Burrage was a one-term state lawmaker in the 1980s and is a former King County Superior Court judge. She is best known for once ordering female attorneys to wear skirts in her courtroom. Completing his first term, Chambers has earned widespread respect for his balanced, well-analyzed opinions and is endorsed by such diverse groups as police and firefighters, business groups and others. Like Alexander, he is an easy choice for re-election., P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
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