Archived Version: November 7, 2006

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Bellingham Herald




Mary Kay Becker has proved her qualifications as judge

Saturday, September 2, 2006Whatcom County voters should re-elect Mary Kay Becker.

Becker is running for re-election to the state Court of Appeals. Her seat is the only Court of Appeals seat on the Sept. 19 primary ballot in Whatcom County.

Becker, a Bellingham resident, has served on the court with much distinction for 12 years. That service is just the latest in a lifetime of service to our community and state. She was an attorney in Bellingham for 10 years. She served on the Whatcom County Council, the Western Washington University board of trustees and was a state legislator from the 42nd District for four terms between 1975 and 1982.

What's most important in this election, though, is Becker's reputation as a reasonable, thoughtful appeals court judge. Her decisions have been well received and influential to higher courts. She is rated "exceptionally well qualified" by bar groups.

Becker's record is the main issue in this election. She is challenged by Bellingham attorney Jeffrey Teichert, who says he is running because he feels that Becker and some of her colleagues are too "activist" in their decisions and don't look to the original meaning of the Constitution and laws when they make their decisions.

We respect Teichert, and enjoyed meeting him and hearing his ideas. We share some concern that courts too often go beyond the intent of legislation in their rulings. But we find little evidence that his view of Becker's work is accurate. In our meeting with the candidates, Teichert pointed to a couple cases in which he felt the court Becker serves on went too far. But Becker pointed out, correctly, that the decisions he cites held up on appeal. That is not because they were "activist" and approved by other "activist" judges, but because they were well grounded in state legal precedent and in the spirit of the laws passed by the Legislature.

We may not always agree with Becker, but we find the idea that her rulings are too liberal or activist a misreading of her very extensive record.

Judge Becker has served Whatcom County residents well on the Court of Appeals. Voters should allow her to continue that work.
, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
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