Archived Version: November 7, 2006

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Campaign Finance

Independent Expenditures

There are strict limits on how much any individual or organization can contribute to a judicial candidate's campaign. Nevertheless, individuals and organizations are free to engage in their own campaigning and expending of money in connection with elections.

The following organizations have made direct expenditures of $1,000 or more relating to one or more of this year's judicial races. The information is cumulative for each organization, and current as of the date shown. These expenditures are, by law, made independently of the candidate's campaign. The candidate and the candidate's representatives may not consult, cooperate, or act in concert with the independent expenditures.

Click on an organization's name for additional information. Click on a candidate's name for a complete page of information about that candidate, including total expenditures supporting or opposing that candidate.

Americans Tired of Lawsuit Abuse (Alexandria, VA)

Advocacy: Total $357,500.00

09/11/2006 Supporting John Groen $89,375.00
09/11/2006 Opposing Gerry Alexander $268,125.00

Building Industry Association of Washington (total: $807,993.32)

Advocacy: Total $325,440.64

09/15/2006 Supporting John Groen $192,541.63
09/15/2006 Opposing Gerry Alexander $79,206.00
09/08/2006 Supporting Stephen Johnson $52,006.15

Central Washington Home Builders Association

Advocacy: Total $5,931.37

09/12/2006 Supporting John Groen $5,931.37


This organization is an intermediary. It collects contributions and then transfers funds to It's Time for A Change.

Citizens for Judicial Integrity

Advocacy: Total $84,612.00

09/11/2006 Supporting Jeanette Burrage $42,306.00
09/11/2006 Opposing Tom Chambers $42,306.00

Citizens to Uphold the Constitution - FAIRPAC

Advocacy: Total $370,052.81

09/07/2006 Supporting Gerry Alexander $18,297.48
09/13/2006 Opposing John Groen $278,565.03
09/07/2006 Supporting Tom Chambers $18,297.48
09/07/2006 Opposing Jeanette Burrage $18,297.48
09/07/2006 Supporting Susan Owens $18,297.48
09/07/2006 Opposing Stephen Johnson $18,297.48

Committee for Judicial Restraint

Advocacy: Total $13,233.38

09/11/2006 Supporting Jeanette Burrage $4,411.13
09/11/2006 Supporting John Groen $4,411.13
09/11/2006 Supporting Stephen Johnson $4,411.12

Committee for Religious Freedom

This organization is an intermediary. It collects contributions and then transfers funds to Committee for Judicial Restraint.

Constitution First PAC

This organization is an intermediary. It collects contributions and then transfers funds to Citizens for Judicial Integrity.

It's Time for a Change

Advocacy: Total $1,034,744.08

09/14/2006 Supporting John Groen $592,910.36
09/13/2006 Opposing Gerry Alexander $199,703.24
10/30/2006 Supporting Stephen Johnson $259,964.81
10/30/2006 Opposing Susan Owens $82,817.02

Justice for Washington

Advocacy: Total $109,583.97

11/03/2006 Supporting Stephen Johnson $77,060.22
10/31/2006 Opposing Susan Owens $22,743.33

SEIU Washington Political Action Fund

Advocacy (total as of Sep 18): $11,296.09

09/18/2006 Supporting Gerry Alexander $2,422.92
09/18/2006 Supporting Tom Chambers $2,422.94
10/30/2006 Supporting Susan Owens $11,076.77
10/30/2006 Opposing Stephen Johnson $2,658.99

Walking for Washington

No C6 Report (which would specify expenditures supporting or opposing a candidate) is available at the Public Disclosure Commission. Walking for Washington has expended $339,297.76 as of September 11, 2006., P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
Write to [email protected] or fill out our form. includes ratings and endorsements from numerous organizations. We provide this information so that voters will be better informed about the candidates. We do not rate or endorse any candidates; the ratings and endorsements of organizations included at this site reflect the views of those individual organizations and not necessarily the views of or its sponsors.