Archived Version: November 7, 2006

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Thomas Haven


Kittitas County District Court

Thomas Haven

EDUCATION: Juris Doctor, University of Puget Sound, 1978; Bachelor of Science, Journalism, University of Oregon, 1975.
OCCUPATION: District Court Judge
EMPLOYER: Kittitas County
LEGAL/JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE: Thomas Haven has served as Lower Kittitas County District Court Judge for fifteen years. Judge Haven also serves as a Court Commissioner for Kittitas County Superior Court and judge pro tem for the Upper Kittitas County District Court. He has served as visiting judge in Yakima County’s District and Municipal Courts. Prior to his election in 1990, he was Kittitas County’s Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Judge Haven served on the District and Municipal Court Judge’s Association Board of Directors, and as a member of the Washington State Supreme Court Pattern Jury Instruction Committee.

Candidate Statement: My practice as a judge has always been to treat each person before the court with courtesy and respect, to carefully consider and decide all cases by applying the law consistently and with fairness. While thousands of cases are filed each year, each one represents an important, often frightening or potentially life-changing moment for those appearing before the Court. Understanding that some may not agree with the result in their case, my goal is for each to leave the court knowing they have been treated with respect and their concerns heard and carefully considered.

[Spanish Translation (PDF)]

Opponent: Mark Chmelewski, P.O. Box 1460, Silverdale, WA  98383
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